

Jetconf requires Python 3.5 or newer:

$ apt-get install python3
$ apt-get install python3-pip

Other requirements should be installed automatically during installation.

Stable version - PyPI

Stable version is the most actual package version provided by Python Package Index (PyPI):

$ python3 -m pip install jetconf

Latest version - GitHub

Latest version is the most actual source code available in the Jetconf GitHub repository. It is the master branch.

To install Jetconf from source:

$ git clone
$ cd jetconf
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m pip install .

Sample jukebox-jetconf backend

jukebox-jetconf is an sample backend project created for Jetconf. It is very useful as template for start developing a new Jetconf backend.


Clone backend project from repository:

$ git clone

Install backend package:

$ cd jukebox-jetconf
$ pip install .

Now the backend package should be installed.


In the data directory of Jetconf repository there are some example files.

  • jetconf@.service: simple systemd integration
  • example-config.yaml: configuration file configured to working with jukebox backend and other files in data directory
  • doc-root: default root directory for Jetconf HTTP server
  • ca.pem: example generated self-signed Certification Authority certificate

server certificate:

  • server_localhost.crt : example generated Jetconf server certificate
  • server_localhost.key: key for server_localhost.crt certificate

client certificates:

  • example-client.pem: basic client certificate
  • example-client_curl.pem: client certificate for usage with cURL
  • example-client_browser.pfx: client certificate in PKCS #12 format for usage with browser
  • pfx_passwd: password for example-client_browser.pfx certificate


Certificates provided with Jetconf are only generated to test or try Jetconf. Never use these certificates in final application.

Easiest way to run Jetconf with jukebox backend is to clone full Jetconf repository and start working in data directory:

$ git clone
$ cd jetconf/data

Paths in example-config.conf must be updated. If backend is installed and paths in configuration file are configured, Jetconf can be run.

Set up all on your own:

Run Jetconf

command line

All logging information will be displayed in terminal:

$ jetconf -c <path_to_config_file.yaml>


In data directory there is a simple systemd service file for Jetconf. To allow running Jetconf using systemd, this file needs to be copied to /etc/systemd/system/:

$ cp jetconf@.service /etc/systemd/system/jetconf@.service

Change the user in /etc/systemd/system/jetconf@.service to yours or create new jetconf user.

Move .yaml config file to /etc/jetconf. It must be named like config-backend_name.yaml. For example, configuration file for jukebox backend will be config-jukebox.yaml. It is nice to use Jetconf backend’s name without jetconf suffix.

$ cp example-config.yaml /etc/jetconf/config-jukebox.yaml

Last, Jetconf service can be started in format jetconf@backend_name.service. For jukebox backend from above:

$ systemctl start jetconf@jukebox.service